Parents/Guardian Resources

2024-2025 TLDSB Handbook for Parents/Guardians and Students

At Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB), we want to provide a safe and caring learning environment in each of our schools and buildings. There are many supports/resources available to our school communities to ensure all students can embrace learning as part of our commitment to high levels of student achievement. This handbook provides important information about the journey through the elementary and secondary school systems.

TLDSB is committed to supporting school environments where all individuals feel safe, accepted, and supported, and where students are provided with equitable access to healthy educational, physical, and social opportunities.

Expectations for our school communities

All members of our school community must:

  • Respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal laws.
  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity.
  • Respect differences in people, their ideas, and their opinions.
  • Treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is disagreement.
  • Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.
  • Respect the rights of others.
  • Show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others.
  • Take appropriate measures to help those in need.
  • Seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully.
  • Respect all members of the school community, especially persons in positions of authority.
  • Respect the needs of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching.

Code of Conduct

TLDSB believes that a safe, caring, and inclusive, working and learning environment is essential for all members of the school community. We believe that an approach that respects the dignity and diversity of all peoples and groups, will help build and foster a school culture and climate that is safe, conducive to learning, and free from discrimination, physical and/or psychological abuse. This Code of Conduct procedure provides the guiding principles, standards of behaviour, mitigating factors, preventative measures, and consequences related to generating and maintaining a positive, safe, caring and inclusive environment.

Promoting positive student behaviour and the use of progressive discipline

The promotion of positive student behaviour is a primary goal of educators. It is the responsibility of all staff to build a supportive learning environment through appropriate interaction between all members of the school community. The emphasis on the development of positive student behaviour aligns with the learning outcome goals set out by the Ministry of Education, as well as Board initiatives for character development, restorative practices, and student success.

Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of prevention programs, interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student behaviour and to build upon strategies that promote and foster positive behaviours. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures should be applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is both corrective and supportive.

Consequences for behaviour

Consequences will focus on helping students to develop appropriate social skills, self-discipline, and learn to accept responsibility for personal actions. School staff will provide a fair process in establishing the credibility of information. The age and grade level, the previous record of conduct, and where the student is in a progressive discipline process will be considered when assessing appropriate disciplinary consequences. The range of consequences may include but is not limited to:

  • Counselling
  • Reprimand
  • Notification to parents/guardians
  • Accountability through restorative actions
  • Loss of privilege
  • Detention(s)
  • Restitution
  • Restorative circle or conference
  • Involvement of community or school resources
  • In school suspension
  • Police contact
  • Discretionary or mandatory suspension or expulsion from school


Principals may consider suspension for the following:

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person.
  • Possessing alcohol, non-medically prescribed cannabis, or restricted drugs.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or non-medically prescribed cannabis.
  • Selling or supplying tobacco, cannabis, or alcohol.
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) or vaping on school property or at school events.
  • Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority.
  • Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the student’s school or to property located on the premises of the student’s school.
  • Bullying.
  • Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school.
  • Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of any member of the school community.
  • Any act considered by the principal to be contrary to the board or school Code of Conduct.

Suspensions pending expulsion

Suspension pending expulsion must be considered in the following cases:

  • Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm.
  • Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person.
  • Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner.
  • Committing sexual assault.
  • Trafficking in weapons or illegal or restricted drugs.
  • Committing robbery.
  • Selling or supplying tobacco, cannabis, or alcohol.
  • Giving alcohol, cannabis, or illegal or restricted drugs to a minor.
  • An act considered by the principal to be significantly injurious to the moral tone of the school and/or to the physical or mental well-being of others.
  • A pattern of behaviour that is so inappropriate that the student’s continued presence is injurious to the effective learning and/or working environment of others.
  • Activities engaged in by the student on or off school property that causes the student’s continuing presence in the school to create an unacceptable risk to the physical or mental well-being of other person(s) in the school or board.
  • Activities engaged in by the student on or off school property that have caused extensive damage to the property of the board or to goods that are/were on board property.
  • The student has demonstrated through a pattern of behaviour that they have not prospered by the instruction available to them and that they are persistently resistant to making changes in behaviour which would enable them prosper.
  • Any act considered by the principal to be a serious violation of the board or school Code of Conduct.
  • The student has engaged in conduct which is so refractory as to demonstrate that the student is unwilling to respect or respond to authority and/or to respect the rights or dignity of other members of the school community, despite having been given a reasonable opportunity to do so.

Suspension/expulsion process, appeals, hearings

Further detail about suspensions, the suspension pending expulsion process, expulsion hearings, and about appeals to suspension or expulsion decisions can be found in TLDSB Code of Conduct Procedure.

Mitigating factors

Mitigating factors will be considered in reaching a decision regarding consequences for student behaviours. Mitigating factors include:

  • The student does not have the ability to control their behaviour.
  • The student does not have the ability to understand the foreseeable consequences of their behaviour.
  • Despite either of the above being true, the student’s continued presence in the school does not create an unacceptable risk to the safety of any person.
  • The student’s history.
  • Whether a progressive discipline approach has been used with the student.
  • Whether the activity for which the student may be or is being suspended or expelled was related to any harassment of the student because of his or her race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation or to any other harassment.
  • How the suspension or expulsion would affect the student’s ongoing education.

Bullying prevention and intervention

What is bullying?

Bullying is a relationship problem in which a person or group repeatedly uses power to cause fear, distress, or harm to another. Bullying can be verbal, physical or electronic. Sometimes it focuses on racial, ethnic or religious differences, sexual issues or disabilities.

TLDSB is committed to the development of positive school climates in all schools to ensure environments where students and staff can feel happy, comfortable, welcome, and safe. Schools work to build capacity on an ongoing basis to help students deal with difficult situations.

One of the strategies to assist students in learning how to deal with difficult situations includes helping students to understand the difference between bullying, teasing, and aggression.

When does teasing become bullying?


  • Is equal and reciprocated
  • Is fun and not hurtful
  • Often occurs prior to aggression


  • Is conflict
  • Can be intentional or unintentional
  • Could be one time
  • Can lead to BULLYING


  • A form of typically repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour
  • Directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause fear

Whenever a student feels they are in any type of difficult situation, they should tell an adult in their school, their parent/guardian, a friend, or report the incident using the online reporting tool. It is important for the student to tell someone so that school personnel can take steps to assist all individuals involved to repair the harm and restore the relationship.

All schools have a formal Bullying Prevention, Intervention, and Response Plan in place. The school’s response to bullying will typically involve the TLDSB five-step framework for responding to reporting of bullying behaviour: reporting, investigation, communication, intervention, and monitoring.

TLDSB is committed to working with parents/guardians, students, and staff to develop and maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all students, and to support students who require assistance with medical and/or mental health needs in order to attend school.

Mental health

TLDSB is committed to recognizing and supporting the needs of every child. Students who report feeling mentally well are more ready to learn, feel a stronger sense of belonging at school, and perform better academically. Good mental health is foundational to achievement.

“Mental health is a desirable state of well-being or flourishing. Just like our physical health, our mental health changes – we all have times when we don’t feel mentally well.” – School Mental Health Ontario.

Schools are an ideal place for:

  • Mental health promotion
  • The prevention of mental health issues
  • Early identification of mental health concerns through school-based intervention services
  • To provide students with the knowledge and skills to be aware of, cared for, and advocate for their own mental health and well-being

You know your child(ren) best. You have an important role in noticing when your child is experiencing distress that can result in changes in their thoughts, their feelings, or the way they behave.

Parents and caring adults may notice changes in behaviours and emotions that could be potential signs of a mental health problem. Ask yourself:

  • Are these behaviours and emotions out of character for my child?
  • Are they having a negative impact on my child’s ability to enjoy everyday life?
  • Are they having a negative impact on our family life?
  • Are they getting in the way of my child’s progress at school?
  • Are these concerning behaviours happening more often?
  • Are they more intense?
  • Are they lasting longer?

In TLDSB schools, there are mental health counsellors who help support students. If you want more information about this, reach out to your child’s teacher or school principal to request a consultation. Consultations are available for all students regardless of age, and recommended interventions are based on evidence-based best practices founded in developmental stage, readiness, and consent to service. 

Community resources are available. Find help in your community through the Children’s Mental Health Ontario website or reach out to your family doctor.

For more information about mental health services, please see the TLDSB Mental Health and Wellbeing page on our website. You can learn more about how Ontario’s schools support mental health by visiting the School Mental Health Ontario website.

Medical needs

If your child has a medical condition or a prevalent medical condition (diabetes, anaphylaxis, asthma, or epilepsy), we ask that you immediately contact the main office at your school to provide information about your child’s needs. With your collaboration, we will create an appropriate Plan of Care to support your child at school.


Should your child require medication stored and administered at the school during the school day, please contact the school principal to discuss next steps.

As a best practice and to support your child, please let the school know if your child is diagnosed with any type of medical condition or if their medical needs change throughout the school year so that the school is aware and can keep this information on file.

Please see TLDSB Policy OP 6602 Medical and Health Management in Schools Policy for further information about support in schools for student medical and health needs.


School attendance is critical to a student’s academic success. The best choice a student can make for their future is to show up to school every day. School absenteeism from a young age has significant negative consequences that can last a lifetime. Ontario elementary schools have 194 days of instruction. School absenteeism rates in elementary years can predict secondary dropout rates.

Parents/guardians can improve school attendance rates by helping their children arrive at school on time every day, following school timetables, locating sources of school anxiety that may make their children want to miss school and planning ahead to minimize absences. If your child is having difficulty getting to school every day, please contact your school’s principal to work on a solution together. If further support is necessary, your school principal may involve a mental health counsellors.


TLDSB is committed to student safety, injury prevention, and well-being by supporting concussion awareness, prevention, and management in schools. A concussion is a brain injury that causes changes in how the brain cells function, leading to symptoms that can be physical, cognitive, or emotional. Concussion management is a shared responsibility between home and school. When a child has suffered a concussion, communication and following the TLDSB Concussions – Return to School, Return to Physical Activity Procedure is necessary to ensure students receive timely and appropriate care. To learn more about concussion signs and symptoms, refer to Parachute’s Concussion Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Imitation peanut/nut butter and spreads

TLDSB commits to providing a safe environment for individuals with life-threatening allergies. While we recognize that it is not possible to guarantee a nut-free environment or reduce risk completely to zero, careful planning and communication can assist in creating an allergen-safe environment where students, staff and community members with allergies feel safe and supported.

We have had a number of queries in our schools about the use of imitation peanut/ nut spreads which are soy-based and have the consistency and visual appearance of peanut butter.

Please note the following regarding the use of these imitation peanut/nut spreads in schools:

TLDSB does NOT support the use of imitation peanut/nut spreads as an alternative to peanut butter or other nut-spreads in TLDSB schools;

  • Imitation products could give a false impression that it is safe to bring peanut butter sandwiches to school
  • Labels of the imitation product on the containers do not suffice
  • Allowing imitation product in the schools, could easily make peanut/nut allergy students and staff very uncomfortable and undermine the safety of the classroom
  • Staff are often not able to easily identify or visually distinguish whether the spread a student has in their lunch is a real nut butter or an imitation, due to the similar colour and consistency it has to peanut butter.

In order to most effectively reduce the element of risk to students with allergies, and to continue to try to create an allergen-safe environment, we are asking that schools do not promote the use of imitation peanut/nut spreads and request that students who are bringing imitation spreads to school choose different lunch alternatives.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to protecting privacy and developing technology that provides a safe online experience for students and staff.

Please see the TLDSB Policy BD-2120 Privacy, Information Management and Access to Information.

TLDSB collects, uses, retains, and discloses personal information in the course of meeting its statutory duties and responsibilities. The Board recognizes and acknowledges its responsibility regarding access to records and information and the protection of privacy, and complies with all applicable regulations in the Education Act, and Regulations, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and any other applicable legislation. To learn more about privacy and access, visit the website of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Included in the MFIPPA are specific provisions of how personal information may be collected, used, retained, disclosed and disposed of. Personal information is to be used or disclosed only for the purpose for which it was collected, and for which the individual might reasonably expect it to be disclosed.

Notice of collection

Under the MFIPPA, personal information may be used or disclosed by TLDSB:

  • For the purpose for which it was collected, or a purpose which is consistent (a purpose consistent with the reason collected).
  • To Board or employees who need access to the information in the performance of their duties, if necessary, and proper in the discharge of the Board’s authorized functions.
  • To comply with legislation, a court order or subpoena, or to aid in a law enforcement investigation conducted by a law enforcement agency.
  • In compelling circumstances affecting health, safety, or discipline providing notice of disclosure to the individual.
  • In accordance with MFIPPA and the Education Act, releasing personal information for any other purposes requires the informed consent of:
    – The parent/guardian for children under 16 years of age
    – The parent/guardian and the student where the student is 16 and 17
    – The student where the student is over 18 or is 16 or 17 years of age and has withdrawn from parental control.

The Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) requires the Board to report to child protection services when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is at risk.

More information can be accessed on the TLDSB Privacy and Freedom of Information page.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to the success of each student and building strong relationships with parents and the community. School-to-home communication is key to the overall success of a child, ensuring that parents stay informed about activities, news, and events that enhance their child’s life.

Information about events taking place in our communities may be found on your school website, the Board website.

SchoolMessenger is a parent notification service that lets us communicate easily with you about the things that matter most. Things like school news, events, and important or urgent news from our Board you can receive through a phone call, email, text message, and/or app notifications – the choice is yours! To learn more or set your preferences, visit the Stay Informed page.

In TLDSB, we recognize every student is unique and each student must have opportunities to achieve personal success according to interests, abilities, and goals. Our priority is to provide the best possible learning opportunities and support for all students. We are committed to ensuring high-quality programs and services are in place for all students with special education needs.

For more information about the Special Education Program, visit the Special Education page to access the Board’s Special Education Plan and the TLDSB Parent/Guardian Guide to Special Education.

Students are not to be in possession, under the influence, using, providing, selling or supplying others with tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, nicotine products, cannabis, alcohol, illegal drugs or their related accessories on school property or at school activities, on school buses, field trips or events. Please see the TLDSB Code of Conduct for more information.

Enforcement of vaping is under the obligations of the Education Act and Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.

Resources for parents/guardians:

Ministry of Education – information and helpful links related to the legalization of recreational cannabis

Government of Ontario – information and rules around legalization of cannabis

Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit – information on the health impacts of cannabis use

Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit – information about cannabis

Grade 1-8: Human Development and Sexual Health topics

Trillium Lakelands District School Board respects the parent/guardian role in their child’s learning and understands families may choose to approach or teach topics related to Human Development and Sexual Health in a manner or at an age that differs from what is outlined in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum. Parents/guardians are therefore provided with the choice to exempt their child from participation in all instruction related to the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations for their grade.

Families will receive notice from their child’s school at least 20 days in advance of the instruction start date advising when the Human Development and Sexual Health expectations will be taught in their child’s class and next steps should a parent/guardian wish to exempt their child. Please note this exemption option applies only to the entire Human Development and Sexual Health expectations of the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum Grades 1-8, Strand D: Healthy Living-Human Development and Sexual Health and not for instruction related to a group of expectations, a single expectation or a specific topic. The key topics for each grade related to Human Development and Sexual Health include:

GradeUnderstanding health conceptsMaking healthy choicesMaking connections for healthy living


  • Body parts
  • Senses and functions
  • Hygienic procedures


  • Stages of development
  • Body appreciation
  • Oral Health


  • Healthy relationships, bullying, consent
  • Physical and social-emotional development
  • Visible and invisible differences, respect


  • Puberty- changes; emotional, social impact
  • Puberty- personal hygiene and care


  • Reproductive system
  • Menstruation, spermatogenesis
  • Self-concept, sexual orientation
  • Emotional, interpersonal stresses- puberty


  • Sexually explicit media
  • Understanding of puberty changes, healthy relationships
  • Decision making, consent
  • Visible and invisible differences, respect


  • Delaying sexual activity
  • Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs)
  • STBBIs and pregnancy prevention
  • Sexual health and decision making
  • Relationship changes at puberty


  • Decisions about sexual activity; supports
  • Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, self-concept
  • Decision making considerations and skills
  • Relationships and intimacy

TLDSB is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of our school community and the possibility of a major threatening incident in our school must be considered. The level of preparedness to deal with such an incident by the school staff, students, police, and parents/guardians will have a major impact on the outcome of the incident. Our goal is to ensure the safety of all of our community members in a coordinated, effective, and expedient way.

Below are some frequently asked questions:

What is a lockdown?

A lockdown will be initiated when a major threatening incident or threat of school violence within the school, or in relation to the school has occurred. During a lockdown, all classrooms will be locked so that staff and students are safe in their location.

What is a hold and secure?

A hold and secure is initiated when it is desirable to secure the school due to an ongoing situation outside and not necessarily related to the school (example, a bank robbery occurs near a school but not on school property). During a hold and secure, the school continues to function normally, with the exterior doors being locked until such time as the administrator/manager of the site becomes aware that the situation has been resolved.

What is a shelter in place?

A shelter in place is initiated when an environmental or weather-related situation occurs and has required all occupants within the school to shelter in place in the building to protect them from an external situation (example: chemical spill or explosion in the community, tornado, flood, blackouts, hurricane, ice storm, etc.). During a shelter in place, staff and students remain in the school and classes proceed as normal.

How does my child’s school handle emergency situations?

TLDSB procedures require that every school has an Emergency Response Plan. Each school has a set of unique circumstances which necessitates specific items to be included. A copy of each school’s Emergency Response Plan is located in the school office and accessible by Board staff at the central office.

How does my child know what to do in an emergency situation?

Much the same way that schools practice fire drills, lockdown drills are also practiced in an age appropriate manner. As part of the TLDSB Emergency Response Plan–Lockdown Procedure, lockdown drills are required to be held a minimum of three times per school year.

How do I get information in emergency situations?

During a lockdown, hold and secure, or shelter in place situation, students are discouraged from using electronic devices, such as cellular phones, as their use may impede the ability of the police and school staff to respond to the situation at hand. It may also result in the dissemination of inaccurate information. In the event of an emergency at a TLDSB school, the Board will inform parents/guardians by using a number of communication formats including, but not limited to:

  • TLDSB social media accounts and websites
  • Local media
  • Direct communication sent through SchoolMessenger

Am I allowed to pick up my child if there is an emergency situation in or around the school?

In the case of an emergency, the school’s intent is to ensure students remain in a safe location until there is no longer a threat to their safety. Although some parents/guardians may wish to pick up their child during an emergency, allowing anyone to enter or exit the building during an emergency situation could expose the students, staff, and visitors inside the school to further danger. The school board and emergency services personnel will determine when it is safe to pick up students, and parents/guardians will be informed of this information.

What is the plan to reunite parents/guardians and children?

In the case that the students are still in our building following the conclusion of an emergency response, students will be reunited with parents/guardians in alignment with a Reunification Plan. If public safety officials require a school to be evacuated as part of an emergency situation, students, staff, and visitors will be safely directed to the designated evacuation site. Parents/guardians will be informed of the evacuation/reunification location(s) using a number of communication formats, including, but not limited to:

  • TLDSB social media accounts and websites
  • Local media
  • Direct communication sent through SchoolMessenger

Who (else) can pick up my child(ren)?

Child(ren) will only be released to individuals who are authorized to pick the student up which is listed in the student’s emergency contact information. Parents/guardians are asked to ensure that all contact information, including emergency contact information, on file at the school is accurate and up to date at all times.

What if my child is on a field trip at the time of an emergency situation?

School administration will communicate with any staff supervising classes that may be off-site at the time of an emergency situation. Staff and students will not return to the school until it has been determined by administration and emergency services personnel as safe to do so.

What about my child’s medication?

In the event of an emergency situation, staff and students have an obligation to follow emergency procedures. Schools will plan for continuity of care in emergency situations and emergency services personnel will be notified of any individuals with specific medical needs as outlined under a Plan of Care or on an Authorization for Storage and Administration of Medication form. Student medical or health needs will be responded to as soon as it is safe to do so.

Reunification Plan

Reunification is an organized process that ensures students are safely reunited with parents/ guardians following an event.

An emergency incident that may require a reunification process may include:

  • Major fire
  • Natural disaster (earthquake, flooding)
  • Environmental incident (hazardous materials incident, gas leak)
  • Threatening incident (a situation involving a potentially armed individual or individuals posing an immediate threat to life; i.e. has or may have a weapon) or terrorist attack
  • Pandemic

In a Reunification Plan, the objective is that:

  • Every student has been accounted for
  • Every staff member has been accounted for
  • Every student still in the school’s control is reunited with their parent/guardian

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) recognizes all members of the school community have the right to be safe and feel safe in the school community.

Under certain conditions, students may undergo a “Threat Risk Assessment.” This assessment determines the level of risk to others and themselves.

*All Trillium Lakelands District School Board policies and procedures align with the Safe Schools Act.

*The model presented in this document reflects the work of Kevin Cameron, Director for the Canadian Centre for Threat and Risk Assessment.

Immediate risk situations: These situations included armed (e.g. gun, knife, explosives or other device/weapon capable of causing serious injury or death) intruders inside the building or on the periphery, who may pose a significant risk. When immediate risk is identified, a lockdown plan will be activated immediately, followed by a call to 911. In these cases, a threat is unfolding, and the matter is one of immediate police intervention and protective site-specific response, TLDSB will refer to the Police-Board Protocol.

What behaviours initiate a Threat Risk Assessment?

A student threat risk assessment may be initiated when behaviours include, but are not limited to:

  • Serious violence with the intent to kill or harm
  • Verbal/written threats to kill or seriously harm others (clear, direct and plausible)
  • Internet/website/social media threats to seriously harm or kill others
  • Possession of weapons, including replicas
  • Bomb threats (making and/or detonating explosive devices)
  • Fire setting
  • Gang related intimidation and violence
  • Significant worrisome behaviour
  • Initiation of a Threat Risk Assessment may occur depending on the context of the incident or worrisome behaviour

Responsibility to report

To keep our school communities safe, all stakeholders must report all threat related behaviours. In Trillium Lakelands District School Board, we have an expectation staff will report any acts of violence or threats they are privy to, to their school administrator.

What is a Threat Assessment Team (TAT)?

Each school has a multi-disciplinary team. The team consists of an administrator, a police officer, a school support person (psychologist, mental heath counsellor, guidance counsellor) and additional people that may include community resources.

What is the purpose of a Threat Risk Assessment?

  • To ensure the safety of students, staff and parents, and school community.
  • To understand, based on the data gathered, the factors which contribute to the threat maker’s behaviour.
  • To develop an Intervention Plan that addresses the emotional and physical safety of the threat maker and others.

What is the process?

  • All threat making behaviours are reported to a school administrator who may activate the protocol.
  • A team is formed and team members will gather relevant data.
  • Information will be obtained from multiple sources which may include:
    – Multi-disciplinary school team
    – Parent/guardian/caregiver
    – Current and previous school records
    – Law enforcement
    – Support groups/agencies
    – Online sites-Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
    – Locker and backpack search, home search
  • The team will share data and determine a current level of risk.
  • A comprehensive intervention plan will be developed.

Appropriate use of technology and technology services

Users of technology, content, and technology services will follow the Appropriate Use of Digital Technology and Technology Services procedure.

Users will access school board technology and technology services for educational purposes by:

  • Observing standards of courtesy and behaviour consistent with the practices and policies of TLDSB when sending or publishing messages or other information on the internet.
  • Using the technology and technology services in a responsible manner consistent with the educational, informational, and co-curricular purposes for which they are provided.
  • Using TLDSB’s technology and technology services to support the user’s education needs only.
  • Only using the login and password assigned to them, and refrain from providing their login credentials to others.
  • Accurately citing information from the internet. Students will not plagiarize.

Whenever a student feels they are in any type of difficult situation online (e.g. cyberbullying), they should tell an adult in their school, their parent/guardian, a friend, or report the incident using the online reporting tool. It is important for the student to tell someone so school personnel can take steps to assist all individuals involved to repair the harm and restore the relationship.

No user may disrupt other users or compromise the functionality of the school board network by:

  • Using the school board technology or services for illegal or unethical purposes.
  • Seeking unauthorized access to, or seeking to damage/alter, or knowingly use any methods to bypass any of the Board’s technology and security services.
  • Sending, receiving, storing, downloading, posting, publishing, or displaying any defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually orientated, threatening, or racially offensive messages, pictures or graphics from any source.
  • Transmitting or downloading information or software in violation of copyright laws.
  • Transmitting or knowingly receiving software or other files which could damage computer systems or software.
  • Attempting to harm, destroy, alter, copy, or gain access to digital content of any person, digital service, or technology.
  • Damaging or altering software components of any school board network device.
  • Impersonating other users by any means or by using their login credentials.

Digital safety

  • To ensure the online safety of all users, students will not share personally identifiable information about themselves or others. Personally identifiable information includes, but is not limited to, last name, age, gender, location(s), home address(es), telephone numbers, pictures and videos with location information and other identifiable data.
  • Students will promptly inform school staff if accidental access to inappropriate materials occurs or if contacted by unacceptable users.
  • Students will report cyberbullying concerns to an adult in their school, their parent/guardian, or a friend even when it does not have a direct impact on them.

TLDSB technology including, but not limited to, desktops, laptops, chromebooks and iPads, may only be used by those with a TLDSB account. To maintain security and safety, personal accounts may not be used. Content filters are in place to protect students from unacceptable material, and security filters are running in the background of applications to ensure protection from known internet threats.

Student guidelines for the use of 1:1 devices (where issued):

  1. I understand my 1:1 device has been issued to me for educational purposes only.
  2. I will use my time wisely to get the most out of the digital resources I am provided with. It is my responsibility to keep my device charged and ready for use at school.
  3. I will carry my device with care at all times.
  4. I will be the primary operator of my device.
  5. My online communication will be respectful and kind.
  6. I will only download content to support my learning and which has been authorized by my teacher(s).
  7. I will respect copyright agreements.
  8. I understand that my teachers have the right to take the device away if it is being misused.
  9. I will give parents/guardians full access to my Chromebook to review my work.
  10. I will return the Chromebook, and power cord when requested.
  11. I understand I will be responsible for paying for any damage to my device caused by purposeful abuse. Replacement costs are approximately $400 per device, and $60 per power cord.
  12. I will follow the BU-3036 Appropriate Use of Technology and Technology Services Procedure at all times.


While TLDSB endeavours to maintain the efficient operation of the district digital network and resources, outages, and equipment, failures may occur.

Personal mobile devices must be powered off or set to silent and put away during class time. Personal mobile devices include phones, tablets, and smartwatches.

Students may use their personal mobile devices in school if:

  • For educational purposes, as directed by an educator.
  • For health and medical purposes e.g., continuous glucose monitoring (student or staff with diabetes).
  • To support special education needs e.g., augmentative and alternative communication devices.

If a personal mobile device is not powered off or set to silent and put away, educators will ask the student to hand it in and appropriate progressive discipline steps will be taken, if applicable.

Damaged, lost, or stolen devices are not the responsibility of the school/Board.

Below are some frequently asked questions:

Why is this happening?

We believe that device use, particularly cell phone use, is having a negative impact on student learning, engagement, mental health, and social and emotional development.

The goal is to remove distractions in the learning environment.

We also know that having personal mobile devices put away will:

  • Build relationships and increase human-to-human interaction
  • Ensure more safety for all students
  • Limit distractions while in the classroom
  • Promote positive mental health
  • Break unhealthy habits

Is this a TLDSB rule?

The Ministry of Education released a revised edition of PPM 128: The Provincial Code of Conduct and School Board Codes of Conduct to school boards in April 2024, with an implementation date of September 2024. Within the revised provincial code of conduct is direction on the development, implementation, enforcement, review, and assessment of codes of conduct for school communities.

When did this come into effect?

September 3, 2024.

Who does this affect?

For students in Grade 6 and below, personal mobile devices must be put away and powered off or set to silent mode throughout the full instructional day, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator.

For students in Grades 7 to 12, personal mobile devices must be put away and powered off or set to silent mode during instructional time, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator.

What is considered a personal mobile device?

Personal mobile devices include phones, tablets, and smartwatches.

What happens if a student is using their device(s) during class time?

If a personal mobile device is not put away and powered off or set to silent mode, educators will ask the student to hand it in and appropriate progressive discipline steps will be taken, if applicable.

How can a student contact their parent/guardian during the school day?

If a student needs to be in contact with their parent/guardian, they can talk to their teacher about going to the school’s main office to make a call.

How can a parent/guardian contact their child during the school day?

If a parent/guardian would like to contact their child during the school day, they can call the school’s main office.

What happens if a student’s device is thought to be lost or stolen during the school day?

Each student is responsible for their personal mobile device(s), how they use them, where they store them, and the consequences of not following the TLDSB policy on personal mobile device use and TLDSB Code of Conduct found under “Safe and Accepting Schools.”

Are there any exceptions to this new rule?

Yes, for:

  • Educational purposes, as directed by an educator
  • For health and medical purposes e.g., continuous glucose monitoring (student or staff with diabetes)
  • To support special education needs e.g., augmentative and alternative communication devices

What is considered a secure spot?

At home, in the student’s backpack or locker, or as designed by a teacher or principal.

Where can I go to learn more about this?

Learn more by viewing the updated TLDSB Code of Conduct Procedure found under “Safe and Accepting Schools,” or see the Provincial Code of Conduct.

Where can a student get help if they are overwhelmed with feelings since they cannot be on their phone?

Being without your device may be difficult. Breaking habits is hard. Students are encouraged to speak to a parent/guardian, a teacher, or a guidance and/or mental health counsellor if these feelings become overwhelming.

Can students access social media at school?

Social media platforms are blocked on the wifi at all Trillium Lakelands District School Board schools and buildings.

Cooperation and consideration are the keys that make travel on the school bus safe and comfortable. The following conduct is required:

  • Follow the school bus driver’s instructions
  • Remain in your seat while the bus is in motion
  • Respect the safety of others on the bus
  • Speak quietly and use acceptable language
  • Respect the property of others
  • Do not eat or drink on the school bus
  • Keep all parts of your body inside the bus at all times
  • Do not smoke or hold any lighted medical cannabis or lighted tobacco product including e-cigarettes or vaporizers on the bus

The school bus is considered to be an extension of the classroom and students are responsible to their school principal for conduct on the bus. The first time any rules are broken, the bus driver warns the student and contacts the principal. For a second infraction, the principal is notified, discipline is undertaken, and the student’s parents will be notified. For a third infraction, the principal will be notified, the student’s bus riding service may be suspended and the student’s parents will be notified. Parents/guardians are fully responsible for getting students safely to and from bus pick-up and drop-off locations.

What about bus cancellations?

In case of unsafe road conditions, cancellations are reported on the Board website, or, social media, and repeated on local radio stations. The decision to cancel buses is made in conjunction with bus operators as soon as road conditions are known in the morning. Decisions are made for each area of the school board independently, as weather conditions vary. If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not run in the afternoon. Therefore, if you drive your child to school on a bus cancellation day, you must also pick up your child. You may view transportation arrangements and subscribe to receive email notifications for delays more than 15 minutes and cancellations due to inclement weather by using the parent login on

Video surveillance systems on school buses

Video surveillance systems are sometimes placed on buses and are used to complement other means to promote and foster a safe and secure environment. These systems are used to provide for the safety of students and protect property against vandalism and theft.

A video surveillance system may be a video, physical or other mechanical, electronic, wireless or digital surveillance system or device that enables continuous or periodic video recording or monitoring on school buses transporting TLDSB students.

All schools in TLDSB are required to provide specific information to families a minimum of 14 days in advance of a third-party speaker or external presentation taking place in schools for student audiences during the school day. This includes, but is not limited to, guest speakers and live performances, clubs, or workshops, whether virtual or in-person.

This requirement applies to events organized by the principal, a department, classroom teachers or other staff members, the school council, a student group, or central office staff.

To ensure transparency and adequate communication, information related to external organizations and guest speakers, schools must use the current communication tools supported by the Board to share the following information:

  • Name(s) of the guest speaker(s) and/or performer(s).
  • The name of the organization or agency represented, if applicable.
  • Title of the activity or presentation.
  • Date and time of the activity or presentation.
  • Location the event is taking place (e.g. school gym, classroom).
  • Topic or focus of the activity.
  • Connections to the curriculum and/or the purpose of the activity.
  • Details of any handout materials, give-aways, or literature that will be provided.

If at any time there are changes to event and presentation planning that may occur due to unforeseen circumstances, or if arrangements at the school level do not allow for the 14 days notice, schools are required to communicate this information to families as soon as final arrangements are confirmed.

TLDSB may exclude certain information, such as the date and time of an activity, where the Board determines that the posting of such information would pose a safety risk to students and/or staff.

TLDSB firmly believes that maintaining and fostering the relationship between the parent/guardian, student, and school staff is the most effective way to support student success.

Parents/guardians are asked to approach the classroom teacher as a first step about any concern related to their child(ren)’s education for attempted resolution before escalating concerns to a principal or superintendent.

Parent/guardian steps for addressing concerns

Step 1: Contact the classroom teacher to discuss the situation
The parent/guardian should bring concerns or issues forward to the classroom teacher for resolution.

then, if necessary:

Step 2: Contact the principal or vice-principal and request help in dealing with the matter
If the parent/guardian and the classroom teacher are not able to resolve the issue, the parent/guardian should request that the issue be reviewed by the school principal (or designate). The school principal (or designate) will review the issue and work to resolve the issue.

then, if necessary:

Step 3: Contact the superintendent of your child’s school (or, if/ when applicable the appropriate central department- e.g., Transportation Department)
If the parent/guardian and the school principal are not able to resolve the issue, the parent/guardian should request that the issue be reviewed by the school’s superintendent of education (or designate). The superintendent (or designate) will review the matter as it relates to the Board’s established policies and procedures and the Education Act of Ontario and will respond to the parent/guardian regarding their concern.

then, if necessary:

Step 4: Contact the director of education’s office
If the parent/guardian and the superintendent of education are not able to resolve the issue, the parent/guardian should request that the issue be reviewed by the director of education (or designate).

The director of education (or designate) will review the matter with the superintendent to ensure that board policies and procedures are being followed, and discuss potential next steps, and a response will be shared with the parent/guardian regarding their concern.

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Transportation info.

Grandview Public School

698 Highway 7A, Bethany, ON L0A 1A0

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School Schedule
Entry to school
8:55 – 9:10 a.m.
Block 1
9:10 – 10:50 a.m.
Nutrition break
10:50 – 11:10 a.m.
11:10 – 11:30 a.m.
Block 2
11:30 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
Nutrition break
1:10 – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 – 1:50 p.m.
Block 3
1:50 – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.

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